Friday 24 May 2013

Calling all naturalistas: Share your journey to natural hair with us.

So Faridah and I have shared the stories of why we decided to go natural and how we did it. Our stories are very different, Fardiah's was an impulsive big chop and mine was a premediated process that took years of consideration and some transitioning till the big chop went down.
We know the journey to natural and the process of being natural is very different for all of us. So what we would like is for you to email us your journey to natural. Include some pictures and tell us why you went natural and how you went natural (big chop, transitioning etc).We would love to get as many stories as possible and post as many as possible so we can all learn from each other and encourage others who want to but who havent taken the leap yet.
Sharing is caring lovely ladies. So get emailing to me (Feyi) at or to Faridah at and lets share our journeys.

Kinks and Curls,

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