Tuesday 14 May 2013


2 years natural. 
Yesterday was the 2 year anniversary of my big chop, see pic for my progress. Yes I did a big chop, cut it all off and went natural, a decision that I came to love very quickly and now view  as one of my best decisions ever. In my two years, a lot of the myths I had about black hair have been dispelled. I have learnt ALLLLLOT of new things, I have loved being natural and I have loathed it at times.

Today whilst reading Americanah by Chimamanda Adichie (another naturalista) I was inspired. She refers to natural hair in her book (am only halfway through) a couple of times and I felt the need to write/share my thoughts on natural hair and my journey. And no, not just the the generic boring stuff you see on every natural hair blog: styles, routines,products etc but the good bits and bad bits of going natural (my perks and peeves of natural hair), the comments and reactions of others and whatever views and opinions of natural hair and naturalistas that I come across in my everyday life. I am blessed to have many naturalistas as friends and would love to get them from time to time to share their thoughts, pics, routines etc.

That being said, its time for my first proper post and its a hair peeve. Enjoy!

Kinks and Curls,

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